Veloce e organizzato proprio come il tuo laboratorio.
Veloce e organizzato proprio come il tuo laboratorio.
All-in-one per i
laboratori di analisi
All-in-one per i laboratori di analisi
La nuova generazione di lims parte da qui.
For Labs è la soluzione all-in-one per i laboratori di analisi che coniuga tutte le funzionalità di un ERP con un moderno e flessibile LIMS adatto per tutti gli scenari operativi, anche in mobilità, grazie alla mobile app per gli operatori e per i clienti.
Dall’esperienza ventennale nei laboratori, nasce l’applicativo più completo, versatile e performante per gestire il tuo lavoro dalle Operations alla Business Intelligence.
Più flessibilità,
maggiore controllo.
Più flessibilità,
maggiore controllo.
Gestione offerte
Gestione risorse
Pianificazione attività
Validazione in tempo reale
Export dati e fatturazione
Abbiamo pensato
proprio a tutto.
Abbiamo pensato
proprio a tutto.
Dal cloud agli end-point.
digitale dei file.
in contemporanea.
ovunque tu ne abbia bisogno.
Pianifica, gestisci,
elabora e valida.
Pianifica, gestisci,
elabora e valida.

Una realtà
100% italiana
Una realtà
100% italiana

Solution Provider per la Digital Transformation
digital di alto livello da oltre 10 anni.
R&D, Quality management e Ring Test
Case history
di successo
Case history
di successo
“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry”
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor
“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry”
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor
“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry”
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor
“Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry”
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor
Domande frequenti
sulla nuova esperienza For Labs.
Domande frequenti
sulla nuova esperienza For Labs.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.
We are a growing family of 382,081 product manufacturers from around the world.